Diabetic Diet Guidelines

A Real guidelines That make Your Life Easy.

For patients with diabetes this is some diabetic diet guidelines. so, what to eat, what foods to avoid and how to achieve and maintain a healthy weight? this seem very difficult? Failure of diet and diabetes is the most common mistake people with diabetes can commit. Many diabetics do not understand the needs of a diabetic diet plan...

Diabetic Diet Guidelines - A Real guidelines That make Your Life Easy (Very Interessting To Read !)

Is There A Cure For Lyme Disease?

By Francis Riggs

The world is full of several diseases that humans can get from other humans and also animals. We get Lyme disease from animals more so the tick. Blacklegged ticks are responsible for this infection. The bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi normally found in infected ticks cause this infection. Ticks get the bacteria when they bite deer or mice. In this piece of writing, we will explore the subject is there a cure for Lyme disease.

It was reported first in US in Old Lyme Town, Connecticut. Other parts of the world like Europe and Asia have also reported cases of this illness. The disease normally occurs in three stages. The first stage is called localized disease where the infection has not spread to other parts. In the second stage, early disseminated stage, the bacteria has begun spreading to other body parts. The last stage, late disseminated stage, the bacteria have reached the whole body.

There are certain facts about this illness that you need to know. In US, In order for the infection to get into the blood the tick has to be attached to the body for between 24 and 36 hours. In Europe, the bacteria in transmitted quickly within twenty four hours. Remember that, the tick is small that you might not see it. In fact most people with the illness never realize they have it or even feel the tick bite them.

Even so, you will notice some symptoms. In the initial stage, you will have headaches, stiff necks, muscle pain, joint pains, fevers, chills, and a general ill feeling. There will be red raised rash in the areas the tick bit. The center is usually clear. With time, the rash grows in size. Also, remember that these symptoms can at the time reach the pints, brain, and even the heart.

The symptoms that accompany the second stage include heart problems, face paralysis, and painful area. The third stage will come with speech problems, muscle weakness, joint swelling, abnormal muscle movements, thinking problems and numbness.

If you notice these symptoms, you need to go to a doctor. A blood test will be carried out to check if you have the bacteria. In areas where the disease is common, a practitioner will diagnose the disease at the first stage without any lab tests. In case you have been bitten recently by a tick, you should have people mention you closely.

If the diagnosis is done at the early stage and it is found that you have the infection, you will be given antibiotic to treat the illness. If treatment is delayed, you may have nervous system breakdown, joints and heart issues. Nonetheless, at the first stage, the illness is very curable. On rare occasions will you find symptoms recurring after antibiotics are administered. The late disseminated stage is dangerous and can make you have vision problems, face paralysis and memory disorders.

In conclusion, prevention is better than cure, so avoid direct contact with ticks. During warm months, stay clear of bushy places, and center trails. Also check yourself always after you have come from a walk or a hike with your pet.

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